By Brian Murphy (for PM, Premiers, Police Ministers, Education Ministers, business groups and companies, community groups, editors, radio program producers and other interested bodies)
The idea for a National Thank a Cop day came from talking to a cop in McDonalds one morning and he mentioned that he was feeling very negative about the role and the lack of appreciation shown by the public for what they do. I really felt for him and decided that many of us just never get the chance to say thank you to them and we should make a day to do so.
A day when the public celebrates the tremendous efforts of our police in keeping us all safe and protecting and enforcing the laws. We owe them so much, so this day is to remind them of that on a national large-scale basis and the emphasis is on celebration.
I did some research and found that there were some special days being held in some states such as Blue Ribbon Day in Victoria and Tasmania for fallen officers but nothing general to thank them on a national basis.
I decided to go ahead and challenge the public to support such a day and started an email and Facebook campaign to develop a solid push for it.
The idea for a National Thank a Cop day came from talking to a cop in McDonalds one morning and he mentioned that he was feeling very negative about the role and the lack of appreciation shown by the public for what they do. I really felt for him and decided that many of us just never get the chance to say thank you to them and we should make a day to do so.
A day when the public celebrates the tremendous efforts of our police in keeping us all safe and protecting and enforcing the laws. We owe them so much, so this day is to remind them of that on a national large-scale basis and the emphasis is on celebration.
I did some research and found that there were some special days being held in some states such as Blue Ribbon Day in Victoria and Tasmania for fallen officers but nothing general to thank them on a national basis.
I decided to go ahead and challenge the public to support such a day and started an email and Facebook campaign to develop a solid push for it.
My first contact was with Mark Burgess who is the CEO of the Police Federation of Australia. He was supportive of the initiative from day one but suggested it would be better with more lead in time so 19.9 19 would be a better date. He was proven correct as I only had 3 weeks to create a campaign and it was just not enough time to delegate or create a network.
Mark will raise the topic as an agenda item at a national meeting, so all states police unions and associations can be involved in 2019.
Emails were then sent to the Prime Minister’s department, all state premiers, state police ministers, state education ministers and local mayors (Mayor Tom Tate from the Gold Coast used his Facebook site to recognise the day and thank all cops for the work they do) and most states replied as supportive but bureaucracy being what it is had no time to act.
Several hundred schools in all states were sent a media release and a suggestion that local officers be invited to school assembly to be thanked publicly.
All media editors, television channel news rooms and morning shows, radio stations including ABC and media Facebook pages were given the media release and replied that the date would be noted but Neil Mitchell from Melbourne morning radio was the only interview given on the topic.
Sixty community organisations were notified and 30 large national business organisations and all that answered were supportive and I used my web site that I edit plus my Facebook site Baby Boomers of NZ and Australia and my LinkedIn site to spread the word. Hundreds of people were immediately supportive, and thousands viewed the web page, but I did not secure a sponsor (need a national company to help spread the word).
The police health society were also supportive as I am sure they realise the goodwill it would bring to the minds of those officers who are suffering in some way due to their police duties.
My local MPs Karen Andrews federally and Ros Bates on a state stage will do their bit for next year no doubt and Karen Andrews office is looking to see how we get the date on a national calendar so 1919 will be tagged for the day.
The vision is that police will enjoy that day on duty more than any other because we all make the effort to treat them well with handshakes, hugs, free food, flowers (I sent a bunch to my local cop shop this year), recognition on school assemblies and in the community (and any other way you can think of to make it a real celebration).
I hope you all share that image and I look forward to the community supporting National Thank a Cop Day on the 19 September 2019 and every year after on that date.
Would you please support this initiative by raising the topic at your next meeting so 2019 is a raging success for our police? Thank You as there should be lots of positive things happening like this in our modern stressful world.- Ed
PS How disappointing that McDonald's Australia have declined involvement only because I witnessed an unruly customer in Mac's earlier this year and the staff had no hesitation going to 2 cops who were waiting for a coffee and asking for assistance yet wont celebrate their positive role with us all. Poor form Macs and I wont be spending there any more- Ed
Mark will raise the topic as an agenda item at a national meeting, so all states police unions and associations can be involved in 2019.
Emails were then sent to the Prime Minister’s department, all state premiers, state police ministers, state education ministers and local mayors (Mayor Tom Tate from the Gold Coast used his Facebook site to recognise the day and thank all cops for the work they do) and most states replied as supportive but bureaucracy being what it is had no time to act.
Several hundred schools in all states were sent a media release and a suggestion that local officers be invited to school assembly to be thanked publicly.
All media editors, television channel news rooms and morning shows, radio stations including ABC and media Facebook pages were given the media release and replied that the date would be noted but Neil Mitchell from Melbourne morning radio was the only interview given on the topic.
Sixty community organisations were notified and 30 large national business organisations and all that answered were supportive and I used my web site that I edit plus my Facebook site Baby Boomers of NZ and Australia and my LinkedIn site to spread the word. Hundreds of people were immediately supportive, and thousands viewed the web page, but I did not secure a sponsor (need a national company to help spread the word).
The police health society were also supportive as I am sure they realise the goodwill it would bring to the minds of those officers who are suffering in some way due to their police duties.
My local MPs Karen Andrews federally and Ros Bates on a state stage will do their bit for next year no doubt and Karen Andrews office is looking to see how we get the date on a national calendar so 1919 will be tagged for the day.
The vision is that police will enjoy that day on duty more than any other because we all make the effort to treat them well with handshakes, hugs, free food, flowers (I sent a bunch to my local cop shop this year), recognition on school assemblies and in the community (and any other way you can think of to make it a real celebration).
I hope you all share that image and I look forward to the community supporting National Thank a Cop Day on the 19 September 2019 and every year after on that date.
Would you please support this initiative by raising the topic at your next meeting so 2019 is a raging success for our police? Thank You as there should be lots of positive things happening like this in our modern stressful world.- Ed
PS How disappointing that McDonald's Australia have declined involvement only because I witnessed an unruly customer in Mac's earlier this year and the staff had no hesitation going to 2 cops who were waiting for a coffee and asking for assistance yet wont celebrate their positive role with us all. Poor form Macs and I wont be spending there any more- Ed